Bombshell: The Movie That Chronicles The Fall Of Roger Ailes
From the early times of the women suffrage movements; a movement that aimed at giving women the right to vote, there have been many people who have fought for the rights for women to attain their fair share of equality in society. Equality appears to be the never-ending struggle of the human species in society and as we continue to have these discussions on this podcast, we are always able to discover one new angle or one new way that appears to be cheating one segment or group in society, while unfairly benefiting another.
The movie, Bombshell, is a true-life drama that takes us into a series of events that occurred before the 2016 US election that would install Donald Trump into the office of the presidency. The movie provides a huge window into the operations of Fox News and chronicles the demise of Roger Ailes (former CEO of Fox News). We have seen a lot of stories in the media about how men with influence have harassed women and became ostracized by society, but this movie does an excellent job of giving a plate-by-plate description of how it plays out in real life.
In a long while, I have not come across a movie that had some of the great actresses packed into one, you may easily identify them if you look at the poster of the movie (that’s if you are a movie junkie like me of course). There are actors that you begin to follow based on a particular movie that you saw them in. For Nicole Kidman, it was The Stepford Wives (2004), for Charlize Theron, it was Monster (2003), As for Margot Robbie, I will be honest to say that she only recently came to my attention when she played the legendary role of Harley Quinn in Suicide Squad (2016), yes! I said legendary, only comic book fans will understand.
Men like Harvey Weinstein, R. Kelly, Bill Cosby, and most recently, Andrew Cuomo who resigned as the governor of the state of New York; some may refer to these men as villains while others will refer to them as victims. Whatever part of the opinion divide you are, there will be tons of arguments that would support you or be against you. There are those who think that women who are bold enough to call out influential men make up a greater part of the story. At the same time, the hunger of the media to over sensationalize news creates the perception of guilt to the reader, watcher, or scroller; the way it works in this space; the man is guilty before he can be proven innocent.
In our discussion, we do the best we can to address some of the issues at the forefront of this movie, but we want to look at where this is leading in society. Has this changed the way men relate with women? do some women think that this is affecting their personal progress, considering that job roles like personal secretary and other female-dominated jobs are being replaced by men, because of the fear of the female employee that could get the male boss in trouble. If this kind of situation were to be added to the persecutions that women already face, the difficulty to get decent jobs will also be added to the list.
You want to take out time and see this movie before our discussion drops upper Friday (Sep 3rd). It is fast-paced and promises to be entertaining. It has been my fundamental belief that places that we may never go, the right movie will take you there; this movie was able to take me into a sizable part of the operations of the news media. In the early scenes, you will follow Meagan kelly (Charlize Theron) as she gives you a tour of the facility and explains the functions and roles of different locations and people.
This movie won an Oscar in 2020 for best achievement in makeup and hairstyling. I cannon argue with the makeup; in all the movies I have watched that would have actors playing real-life characters, I have never seen an accuracy with regards to resemblance as I have seen with the remarkable transformation of Charlize Theron to Meagan kelly. The wizardry of makeup was brought to its full potential here.
Go watch the movie and listen to the conversation