Mama Drama | A Tale Of Two Mothers
As we continue to witness the advancement in science, we have seen possibilities that we could have never imagined, and at times, these possibilities appear to come in conflict with the things that we are used to. Scientific possibilities have wrought with it the ability to subvert or bypass the natural course of things and one major area that we have continually witnessed these possibilities is in its ability to manipulate the very biology or anatomy of the human being. One major area that we witness this is in our ability to procreate.
We would have never have thought it possible to alter the natural course of reproduction but with the introduction of modern techniques like in vitro (IVF) fertilization; which makes it possible to fertilize a sperm outside the woman’s body, a solution is made available for people who are not able to have children via the natural means. Another technique that is popular is the use of a surrogate mother.
The movie, Mama Drama, addresses this issue of infertility and the use of surrogates as a means of procreation. It also does a wonderful job of capturing the cultural issues that surround unnatural means of giving birth and in our podcast, we examine the movie and mainly discuss the issues surrounding surrogacy, especially the way it is perceived in our society.