The Marijuana Conspiracy: To Legalize Or Not To legalize Marijuana
If an individual were to go to a tree in his or her garden, pluck an apple, and eat, what would be wrong with that? but as defined by the biblical anthology, God told Adam not to eat a fruit from a particular tree, it became wrong for him to do it; so we are clear that what can be termed right or wrong is subject to definition, and most especially the authority that defines it. How do we know that something is right or wrong? There are things that some may deem right and will freely engage in it, while there are others that will see this same thing as wrong. Let us use pornography as an example; there are people who believe that it should stay legalized while there are others that believe it should be banned. Those that believe it should be banned will think this way because they may have certain moral values that would define it as wrong. So when we have these diversities in opinions, who becomes the umpire that defines what is right or wrong?
When we had the conversation about the movie, The People Vs Larry Flint, we shared opinions on the battle Larry Flint had to go through with a society that frowned on his efforts to establish pornography as a profitable enterprise, and how this filtered into the political atmosphere that would lead to his persecution. We also examined the scope of civil rights that should allow the freedom to pedal this. But in our upcoming podcast, we are going to examine something similar that appears to be a precipitating societal topic that politicians will soon begin to place on their ballots in their efforts to canvas for votes.
The movie, The Marijuana Conspiracy, takes the viewer into a very questionable experiment that was carried out in 1972; this experiment would see a bevy of girls placed in a big brother-type house and would be made to smoke marijuana every day while observers record data on their behavior. If you are an avid Hollywood movie watcher, do not feel awkward if you do not recognize anyone in this movie; most of the cast and crew are Canadian and may not have been in flicks that traditionally make the Hollywood Boxoffice. Nonetheless, the performance of the cast illuminates the story in a manner that keeps the viewer curious and does enough to communicate the core theme of the story.
Who sets the tone for the legalization of marijuana? The answers are obvious, but what this movie shows is governmental involvement in trying to use experimental outcomes as a basis for banning or legalizing marijuana. Political news junkies know that this is not new; we know that social constructs are made when the dominant class creatively engineer processes that can create laws that will be beneficial to them. Inasmuch as the movie does not focus more on the machinations of government or political lobbyists, the viewer will see more of the effects of marijuana on the subjects, and the viewer is left to deduce their own judgments.
As of this time, we are not putting out a date for which this podcast will be released, but we would like you to take out time to watch it, and we gladly welcome your opinions on this topic.