Coach Carter | Transcending Self Preservation
When we make a choice about the movies that we want to talk about, one of the main things that we want to ask ourselves is “what is the big deal about this story?”. In other words, why would a writer pen down this event, and why would a filmmaker, go through the painstaking process of translating it into a film.
From my perspective and my limited knowledge of what goes into making these movies, I believe that once a filmmaker makes a budget that will accommodate high-profile actors, they are doing this because this is a story that needs to be told and they want more people to hear it.
If I were, to sum up, the story of coach carter, I would only come up with one word; “Selflessness”. We always hear a lot of people who say stuff like “I/ we are here for a purpose that is greater than ourselves” but I have mostly heard this from celebrities that have millions of dollars in their accounts or spiritual leaders; who also, by the way, mostly have tons of money because of the huge following.
It is rare to find someone that is given a job to do, but beyond the job, he sees a bigger problem than he is willing to fix, even at the risk of losing his job. A basketball coach that would lay more emphasis on his players’ grades as against their ability to win games may be deemed as someone that is not paying attention to his core responsibilities but whereas is solving a bigger problem that transcends winning games. And this is no ordinary coach, by the way, this was a coach that took the team from a 22- 0 season to an undefeated season.
In our usual fashion, we explore what would motivate a guy to deviate from his primary assignment in order to communicate to the younger generation in his community, the safety that an education would provide.
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